About Us

Almanfad Management Consulting Company Ltd : A Libyan company registered under the Libyan laws, Register No(69015), and formed to provide management, financial and economic services, in the areas of ; strategic planning , HR management, manpower planning, organizational development & design , Program & project management, financial analysis, etc.

Accreditation: Almanfad co-founders are active partners investing their knowledge, skills and experience acquired through their career to become competent experts. Furthermore we are accreted by The Institute of the “Balanced Score Card at George Washington University” as (BSC proficiency level) , and gained “ PRINCE 2” in project Management from the British Government.


Why choose Almanfad ?

Because our team is composed of Libyan experts in various fields ,strategy development , capacity building , project management ,HR systems and management, etc. the diversity of experience with international and national organization, and do have the knowledge , skills and ability.

Our commitment and care to be a differentiated consulting company because of our approaches in developing business solutions in line with best international practices , well developed methodologies and tools, which fit best our realities to ensure sustained  development.

Almanfad has in depth understanding of the Libyan environment and the challenges facing organizations , Ensuring to create change and enhance continuous improvement to our clients throughout our consulting capabilities and experience in public and private sector ,and ready to respond quickly to your needs

Our Philosophy

Responsibility: To take responsibility as a firm, as team members and as individuals for the work we do
Excellence: To exceed quality standards and all expectations
Integrity: To work to the highest standards of corporate and individual social responsibility
Knowledge: To utilize and share appropriate knowledge
Innovation: To create appropriate solutions
Effective Solutions: To provide the right solutions, add real value and ensure our long term sustainability.

Our Mission

Our business is management consultancy services. We provide effective solutions to our clients and deliver excellence in everything we do through energetic and competent internal Experts. We ensure sustainability through effective use of resources and adding value to the organizations we serve and to ourselves as we serve them , Our values embody the two main influences on our business, our partners, clients, internal/ external partners, and our employees who are collectively our partners.

Our Team

Ali Essaleh


Training Manger